Books are our binding. Books are our spine. Books are our prologue, epilogue, and everything in between. From the Five Books of Moses to the 24 books of the Tanach; to the 63 tractates of the Talmud to the Four Pillars of the Code of Jewish Law; through the plethora of ancient manuscripts, printed volumes, and digital books of our present day, the Jewish people are called the “people of the book” for a reason.
What the Lessons Will Cover
Lesson 1: The Torah - Scroll Through the Written Word
Explore the Written Word canonized in the 24 books of the Tanach, beginning with the Five Books of Moses, and how the core texts of Judaism encapsulate and drive the whole of Jewish learning.
Lesson 2: The Midrash - The Many Stories Within the Story
Immerse yourself in the major works of Midrash. Excavate the multiple layers of meaning contained within each drop of Torah ink. Swim in the celestial stories. Drink up the wondrous insights. Live by the profound lessons.
Lesson 3: The Talmud - Discussions, Dissections, and Debates on Every Topic
The most important and authoritative record of the Oral Torah, the Talmud defines Jewish learning through the centuries. In this lesson, we explore the process of its formation, the books that comprise it, the themes and debates that form it, and the people who drive it—all while engaging in some in-depth Talmudic learning ourselves.
Lesson 4: Halachah - Law and Order for Everyday Life
See how principles and precedents inform eternal decisions and resolve modern issues. Long before the Information Age and the World Wide Web, Jews have been writing code—codes of conduct, codes of law, and codes by which to decode life and engineer perfect harmony between Heaven and earth.
Lesson 5: Musar & Jewish Philosophy - Deep Read: Think Between the Lines
If this course were a bookstore, Lesson 5 would straddle the self-help and philosophy sections. Because in Judaism, intellect informs feeling and both inform character and behavior. In this class, we peruse titles discussing ethics, character development, self-improvement, ideology, faith, and he origins of the universe.
Lesson 6: Kabbalah & Chasidism - The Soul that Binds the Pages of Life
Like you, the Torah has both a body and a soul. Also like you, most of Jewish literature dissects the body. This lesson explores and demystifies the mystical texts that reveal the soul and spirit of Jewish teaching and universal life.
The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute is the premier institute for continuing adult Jewish education, in the states and worldwide. Founded in 1998, JLI's flagship program continues to operate in over 350 locations worldwide offering three accredited courses per year on an array of topics including Jewish ethics, Jewish mysticism and philosophy, Jewish history and culture, and Jewish belief and practice. JLI's courses are accredited for continuing legal and medical education and all courses offer CEU credits.