Our Brit Circumcision & Baby Naming Ceremonies are joyous celebrations for family and community. Brit, the Hebrew word for covenant, is the way Jewish people describe and define their relationship with G-d.
The covenant of circumcision is the oldest continuous Jewish rite; a ritual that unites Jews throughout the ages and across cultures and signifies the connection between soul and body.
With this ancient ceremony, parents announce their commitment to taking on the responsibilities and joys of raising their son in the Jewish way of life.
The most ancient of all Jewish rituals, a brit is traditionally celebrated with feasting and song. And while some may approach this tradition with more confusion and fear than happiness, nevertheless it is a simcha – a cause for joy and celebration.
Jews have performed the mitzvah of brit milah in an unbroken chain for 4,000 years, from the days of Abraham to present. During that long history, observant Jews and secular Jews, sages and Jews with little or no understanding of the ritual have fulfilled this perhaps most challenging of all biblical commandments.
During the bris ceremony, the newborn boy is given his Jewish name, with a blessing over the wine. Granting a name as he enters into the covenant of Abraham and becomes a full-fledged member of the Jewish nation, infuses the name with blessing and good fortune of the Jewish people.
In the Jewish culture, names celebrate the true character, personality and specialty of each creature and person. Jewish names aren’t just a pretty string of letters. According to Kabbalah, Jewish mysticism, the Jewish name is the channel by which life reaches a person from Above.
In fact, the Kabbalists say that when parents name a child, they experience a minor prophecy—because, somehow, that child’s destiny is wrapped up in the combination of Hebrew letters that make up his or her name.
The baby naming ceremony is when a newborn baby girl gets her name at the Torah. The Torah, which is the source of all good things, granting a name in the presence of the Torah infuses the name with blessing and wisdom.
Baby Naming at the Torah for Newborn Girls
Brit Circumcision & Baby Naming for Newborn Boys

According to Jewish tradition, a Bar Mitzvah reflects a major turning point in the life of a Jewish boy and as such, we believe very strongly that every boy should celebrate this milestone in a meaningful and inspirational manner.
The Center offers an interactive Bar Mitzvah program which prepares young boys for their auspicious day. The program helps students to achieve a deeper understanding of the true meaning of becoming a full fledged member of the Jewish people, and the importance of carrying on the Jewish legacy.
The Center offers a variety of bar mitzvah ceremony options and suggestions to personalize your service and make this day one to remember for years to come.
For more detailed information, please download the Bar Mitzvah Handbook.
Bar Mitzvah Celebrations
According to Jewish tradition, a Bat Mitzvah reflects a major turning point in the life of a Jewish girl and as such, we believe very strongly that every girl should celebrate this milestone in a meaningful and inspiration manner.
The Center offers a variety of suggestions to personalize your service and make this day, one to remember for years to come.
For more detailed information, please download the Bat Mitzvah Handbook.
Bat Mitzvah Celebrations

The Jewish wedding is a tapestry woven from many threads: historical, mystical, biblical, cultural and legal, which have been carried from generation to generation, forming a chain of Jewish continuity dating back more than 3,800 years. The Campus offers a wide range of wedding consultation services for Jewish couples who wish to integrate both modern and traditional approaches.